Discover Your Strengths

My coaching is informed by use of a popular tool known as CliftonStrengths. Used by over 27 million people, this scientific assessment maps out your unique blueprint of strengths across 34 categories known as Talent Themes.

Your Top 5 talents, or “Signature Themes,” represent skills, knowledge and behaviors that you naturally gravitate towards and tend to perform with greater ease. The more you invest in a given talent, the more likely it is to become a Strength, hence the CliftonStrengths formula of Talent x Investment = Strength!

By learning the language of strengths and understanding your “Talent DNA,” you are empowered to achieve greater success and fulfillment in whatever area of life you desire.

In one study, people who tapped into their authentic strengths reported being twice as likely to feel hope and three times as likely to have an excellent quality of life

A Strengths Discovery Session is for you if…

  • You are looking for a new way of living or working. Maybe a job, a relationship or a hobby has grown stale, or maybe you love where you’re at in life but feel there’s more yet to explore. You’re ready for that next challenge but not sure which adventure to pursue.

  • You dread whenever an interviewer asks, “What is your greatest strength?” You don’t know how to put words to what you are good at and what makes you tick, apart from vague platitudes or canned cliche responses you think you’re supposed to say.

  • You know you have what it takes to be successful, but something is blocking you and you are not sure what or why. You may have tried reading that book or taking that course, but trying to implement someone else’s “secret to success” felt like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Their approach just didn’t jive with who you are and how you tend to get things done. 

I know how tempting it is to Google someone else’s map of success, download it and make a copy with your name on it. One of my Top Talents is Input, which is a craving to know more, often resulting in the collection and archiving of lots of information. When I over-use this Talent, I end up wasting way too much energy trying to follow blueprints that don’t match up with my strengths and my neurodivergent way of thinking. 

It turns out - according to the people behind the CliftonStrengths assessment - that the likelihood that someone shares your same top talents in the same order is 1 in 278,256.

You are UNIQUE, so you are most likely to thrive when you design solutions and enter scenarios that truly align with YOUR strengths. There are a ton of research-backed statistics supporting this claim, some of which are shared below. The exciting part of these statistics is that you get to be empowered to observe and own what works for you through the process of learning your strengths and building the vocabulary to communicate them out to the world. 

What’s Included:

  • Top 5 Talents Report

  • 15 minute Introductory “Get to Know You” Conversation

  • 90 minute 1:1 Strengths Discovery Coaching Session

  • Customized Follow-Up Content Based on Your Unique Strengths and Goals

  • 10% Discount on Future Coaching Opportunities

Investment: $140 $40


The Story of Shame to Strength


My Core Values